Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Something

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sam Goodsell and I were invited to give a talk during career week for a few classes of 4th and 5th graders at Amber Charter School. I gotta say I was a little nervous at first--10 year olds can be a tough crowd--but as soon as I saw how interested they were it all went away. I had a blast telling them all about how I learned to draw and showing them my materials. I even pulled out my very first drawing that I made for my mom at KinderCare. They asked great questions (better than a lot of my adult students!) and it was beautiful to see their eyes light up at the answers. Thinking back to how impressionable I was at that age, it's amazing to think that I may have made some kind of an impact on them. Who knows if maybe there's an artist in the making in there?

How does it feel to be beautiful?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

While searching for a recipe for lunch today, I came across a hilarious blog called Mark Ruins Dinner. Looking through some of his posts, I found one on his disabled son, Ben. Curious to know what he's afflicted with, I started clicking through links. I still don't know much about Ben, but I'm glad I found this beautiful video to think about today.

'the second glance' from Nic Askew on Vimeo.

My Open Studio

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I did my first open studio during this year's Mott Haven Open Studio Tour. It was great to be able to show all the work I've been doing over the past year and hear people's comments. I got some great feedback, plus I got to hang out with a lot friends, drinking wine and enjoying the weekend.

Costa's Open Studio, Part 2 (yes, that's PAINT)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Even more impressive than his studio is the work itself. Layer upon layer of meticulously mixed paint create the illusion of space, not only through color and value, but also through the very texture of the paint film. Costa's painting is the type that can never be fully experienced except in person because its illusion is sculptural as well 2D. I took some detail shots because that's about as close as you can get to the real thing.